Friday, February 26, 2010

Does propecia really work to regrow hair?

I have seen it at work. If you are a relatively young male suffering from male pattern baldness or thinning hair it just may work for you. I know though that you need to be careful and have liver tests done occasionally as it affects your liver. Talk to your doctor, can't hurt to try.Does propecia really work to regrow hair?
my friend's older brother started taking it when he started going bald in college. Six years later he still has a full head of hairDoes propecia really work to regrow hair?
';In the longest reported controlled clinical study of men with certain types of male pattern hair loss, 2 out of 3 men on PROPECIA [Finasteride] regrew hair, as measured by actual hair counts over time. Whereas all men in the study taking a placebo (not PROPECIA) lost hair.';
I use it as a preventative. That seems to be the best of all. Keep what you got. I am sure if I had not started on it 3 years ago, I would have much greater hair loss. I did notice the level of shedding slowed down considerably once on it.

I can't tell you if it has caused any growth as I still have a full head of hair, though not as thick as it once used to be. The hairs that I do see shedding are now are thick and healthy, not thin and light colored (a typical sign of impending baldness). So, I think my head is still actively growing hair and would probably, at least, give some credit to the medicine.

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