Sunday, February 28, 2010

How to regrow hair?

Natural process. You can or you cantHow to regrow hair?
ummm if you are going bald, your only hope is the surgery they do where they implant hair. There are no creams, gels, or shampoos that work too well. Don't waste your moneyHow to regrow hair?
If you are an adult male and the hair is on your scalp, then you might have androgenous alopecia in which case you won't e able to regrow hair unless you undergo a hair transplant surgery.
YOU CAN';T im sorry unless you get pluggs :P
Rogain duh
The FDA has approved minoxidil, a topical product that results in some hair regrowth in some people and a slower loss in others. Some have no response at all. It is pretty safe.

The FDA just approved a laser system that you can buy for home use. Google ';laser comb'; and see what you get. I think they are about $450.

Some people believe in herbal remedies, but I don't know much about them. I would not buy ANYTHING that advertises on TV or in infomercials.

I am choosing to go bald gracefully. It saves money.
You can't. There are products, like rogaine, that can keep you from losing hair you already have but nothing will regrow hair.
If I knew the answer to that one, buddy, I'd be a millionaire!
u just have to wait around or u can go buy some products like Rogaine
get some miracle grow

and rub it all over ur head
Magic Grow.... duh
be more specific

the more you shave, the faster %26amp; thicker it grows
ummm...wait a bit? hang upside down maybe? have an ancient chinese sage piss on your noggin? hell i don't know, holla.
have u used rogain?

or try this shampoo called Nioxin..u can get it at hair salons

it makes ur hair grow and it makes it thicker

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