Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is it possible to regrow hair which has been lost from stress......?

Im 23 and have started receding abot 2-3 cms from stress. My dad still has a full, dark head of hair at 55, is it possible that my hair could reegrow at all? cheersIs it possible to regrow hair which has been lost from stress......?
While taking care of my sister while she had cancer, I lost alot of hair. It's going on three months since she's passed and my hair has come back very well. So yes it will. It's so embarrassing isn't it. I started wearing hats all the time and it helped make my sister feel better too since she lost all her hair.Is it possible to regrow hair which has been lost from stress......?
yes, when i was in high school i was going throuh a lot of stress and started losing a lot of hair. it really freaked me out. but when everything started to settle down my hair grew back. so try not to stress too much. oh, also try massaging your scalp to get blood flow to your scalp and drink a lot of water. if you want to try something you can take this pill called biotin and its old otc at walmart and stuff. helps with your hair and nails, they'll grow really fast and healthy. hope this helped.
if it is from stress, it will grow back


tho there is a new discovery with stem cells on growing new hair follicles and a new treatment/ possible cure is predicted to be out in 3-5 years

i saw that on news not long ago
so try this...regular trims are a must, about every 7-9 weeks. if its been awhile since you have had a trim then inches may be called for to get to healthy hair. i use vitamin e on fresh washed hair.(its a vitamin that can be purchased where you buy vitamins, cut open capsule, squeeze into hand, rub hands together and apply to hair) dont message into scalp. if you get too much then just rewash it. hair will feel slightly sticky until dry then it will be nice and soft. it tames the frizzies, deep conditions and makes hair grow about three in a month. it takes about a month for the e to kick in. dont brush your hair but maybe once a week to message the scalp, i use a wide tooth comb at other times. brushing breaks off hair. i just started biotin vitamins two months ago this sat and notice and big growth spurt from that. biotin is cheap. i also have the biotin shampoo that i got from a vitamin store online. five bucks for a big bottle and a big bottle of E is about 8 bucks. the biotin is about 3 bucks. good luck
Men receive baldness from their mother's side of the gene pool, not their father's. I think the only way you can fix this problem is with hair implantation surgery.
I have an uncle who lost all of his hair due to the stress of losing his son in a car accident about 30 years ago, and it has never grown back.
it doesn't matter if your dad has all his hair. the hair gene is carried on the mothers side. so you should look at your mothers father.. does he have all his hair?
of course all hair re-grows. your hair is made of dead cells and as long as your cells dies when they should it should start re-growing pretty soon

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