Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What are the best medicines and theropies are going on to stop loosing hair and regrow hair.?

If you wear hats - then STOP. If you have longer than normal hair, CUT it. But, if you don't wear hats, and your hair is short in length, then basically there's not much you can do. There's special shampoos, etc, but don't believe the hype - they don't grow hair or make your already-there-hair stronger. Hair loss is in your genetic makeup (DNA), so if you are losing hair, then you must have several bald or balding people in your past.What are the best medicines and theropies are going on to stop loosing hair and regrow hair.?
Natural homemade beauty tips for Dandruf, Spiltends, Hairloss,

Hot oil massages, Fruit pack for hair,Haircare recipe - ingredients from your kitchen cabinet --

http://homebeautytips.blogspot.comWhat are the best medicines and theropies are going on to stop loosing hair and regrow hair.?
the best thing to do is pluck all the remaining hair with tweexers then they'll grow in twice as thick. Also for ever one hair you pluck 2 will come out. trust me it work for me.

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